Granny Pearl

Created by Cathrine one year ago
Fabulous Granny Pearl ! My first visit to see Pearl was an experience complete in itself, from her calling me Nicole! Nicole! As I arrive in my Renault Clio taking a clip out of the car advert which by the time I had walked inside the house she was sitting down laughing so much her legs were flying up in the air! Hilarious! We were fortunate to have shared some happy memories, one trip in particular comes to mind when she visited us in Cromer and we helped her get on the right train back to Norwich with her giggling and chatting to the train conductor, we didn’t tell him she had just had a glass of wine with her meal😜Her stories were endless due to travelling on the train with her cat. She met so many characters over the years that were so kind and would chat to her. I’m sure her presence entertained Diss train station employees, especially with her jolly approach to life. Pearl believed life was as happy as you made it. To her age was merely a number, the only limitations were the ones you set yourself. Rest in Peace Granny Pearl with love Cathrine x